
The Magnus Archives RPG: Tangled in the Web

Created by Monte Cook Games

New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🔓 Stretch Goal Unlocked—Let’s Do Another!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 11:21:07 AM

Hello, backers—

It seems like we just posted the latest stretch goal a couple of hours ago, and here we are again. Wait: we did just post the latest stretch goal a couple of hours ago! Wow, this campaign is on fire, thanks to you!

We have loads of cool ideas for things to bring to this campaign. For these early goals, we want to focus on the heart of our offering: the books and other items you’ll use to create and experience deep, awe-inspiring, and memorable adventures, campaigns, and characters. So far, we’ve upgraded Face Your Fears and the Prop Set 2. Now, let’s turn our attention to Do Not Open.
This book focuses on the players and their characters, with loads of new descriptors and foci, cyphers, and character creation options. It unlocks supernatural abilities for beginning characters, if you’re running a game with players who know The Magnus Archives well and want to skip straight to that phase of play. And it will introduce a very cool system for helping you build a fascinating backstory for your character. We’re really looking forward to bringing you these ideas—and this stretch goal will let them pack in even more of them.

We’ll unlock this upgrade to Do Not Open when we have 2600 backers.

And, as with all stretch goals, we’ll toss in a free bonus: another vinyl sticker.

Every time we hit a goal, every backer gets another sticker!

Help Unlock It—and Keep This Momentum Going!

The momentum of this campaign is amazing, and it’s all because of you. Every time you help spread the word, we get more backers. This sort of enthusiasm is what makes crowdfunding campaigns go big and deliver huge hauls of rewards for their backers.

If you have a moment:

Can we unlock this reward, upgrade Do Not Open, and add another sticker to your collections? We can if you help spread the word!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Our First Stretch Goal Is Unlocked—Let’s Do Another!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 07:23:27 AM

Hello, backers—

Thank you for your support! This has been an amazing launch! Last night you helped us soar over our 1600-backer goal, unlocking our first stretch goal, and we’re now going to make Face Your Fears even bigger and better. This is just one of many exciting things we hope to roll out over the next few weeks—upgrades to the books and other things we’re making, perhaps a few new items, and maybe a couple of exciting surprises!

As a bonus for hitting that goal, every backer now also gets a vinyl sticker. As we explained in our last update, we’ll add a new vinyl sticker to your rewards with each stretch goal.

More Props!

We look forward to further upgrades to the books at the heart of this campaign (as well as other sorts of stretch goals)—but the books aren’t the only things we have a grand vision for. Here at MCG we love bringing fascinating, immersive props to our game table. They really help bring a game to life—that’s why we’ve offered a prop set when we funded the original corebook, and are adding a second set through this campaign.

We’d like to increase the number of items in Prop Set 2 by about 20%. These additional items—documents, newspaper clippings, business cards, flyers, scraps torn from books, mysterious notes, and more—will be derived from or related to the adventures in Make Your Statement, though they (like the items we’ve already planned) will also be great for adventures of your own design.

We’ll unlock this goal at 2300 backers.

As an extra bonus, we’ll also add another vinyl sticker to every backer’s rewards. As we explained in the last update, we’re going to add a new sticker every time we unlock a stretch goal. So in addition to the goals themselves, your set of The Magnus Archives vinyl stickers will keep growing as we unlock each new stretch goal!

You Make It Happen

Remember, a crowdfunding campaign soars when—and only when—its backers help spread the word. Here's an image you can share or use as a social media avatar. Be sure to include a link to the campaign in your post; you can use

Thanks for your support!

—Team MCG

What a Launch! How About Some Stretch Goals?
about 1 month ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 03:45:19 PM

Hello, backers—

What fast-paced day it’s been! We funded very shortly after launch this morning, and have been busy with managing the frenetic early hours of the campaign all afternoon. Now that things are a little less hectic, it’s time to start talking about stretch goals!

But First a Reminder!

Every crowdfunding campaign lives or dies by the enthusiasm its backers bring to it. If you’re excited about Tangled in the Web, sharing that excitement is the best way—the only way—to help us reach stretch goals. We have some shortcuts you can use to help spread the word below.

Stretch Goal: Face Even More Fears

We’re very excited to be making the three new books that are at the heart of this campaign. What’s even better than making them? Making them better!

Monte, Jonathan, our design team, and all of the TMA fans here at MCG have loads of ideas for expanding and upgrading these books. Let’s start with Face Your Fears. This title is aimed at the GM, with new artefacts, monsters, NPCs, cults, items, organizations, and other resources and inspiration for building terrifying adventures. (And did we mention that The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims is personally detailing the Magnus Institute for this book?)
We’d like to make this book even bigger. So our first stretch goal will expand it by up to 16 pages with even more of this fascinating GM content and lore. Remember: we grow this campaign by reaching more gamers and TMA fans—so we’ll unlock this goal when we get to 1600 backers.


But wait, there’s more! In addition to the expansion to Face Your Fears, if we unlock this goal every backer will get this vinyl sticker—a creepy bit of décor for your laptop, cassette recorder, water bottle, dog, car—or wherever you’d like to add a touch of The Magnus Archives. This sticker will be added to everyone’s rewards automagically.

And it gets better. We’re going to add a new sticker every time we unlock a stretch goal. In addition to the goals themselves, your set of The Magnus Archives vinyl stickers will keep growing as we unlock each new stretch goal!

Let’s Do It!

An expansion to Face Your Fears. A vinyl sticker as a free bonus for unlocking that goal. Here’s how you can help get us there—and to the many goals we hope to unlock beyond this one:

This is going to be an exciting campaign. Thanks for your support, and for helping to spread the word!

—Team MCG

FUNDED! The Web Is Weaving!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 09:33:39 AM

Hello, backers—

That sure didn’t take long! Tangled in the Web is funded, and we’re excited that these books are now officially in the pipeline. We’re looking forward to taking your games into ever more frightening places—and giving your characters the tools to beat back that darkness!

This, of course, is just the beginning. We can’t wait to further grow, expand, and improve your rewards—to bring you more statements and adventures, more lore, more creatures, characters, cyphers, artifacts, locales—and maybe even entirely new items—through stretch goals.

Right now we’re up to our elbows in managing the early hours of this campaign. Things will cool down over the course of the day, and we’ll start talking about those goals. In the meantime, thank you so much for an incredible launch!

—Team MCG