🔓 Art Assets Unlocked! Let’s Play!
about 1 month ago
– Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 02:02:14 PM
Hello, backers—
Once again, you’ve astonished us at how quickly and enthusiastically you’ve worked to bring new backers to this campaign and help us unlock stretch goals. We’re amazed at how fast you hit this one—in fact, the sticker poll wasn’t scheduled to end until tonight; we had to close it early so we could bring you this update!
Speaking of Sticker Polls…
The art assets package is now unlocked—we’re going to create a suite of digital images and assets you can share with your players and otherwise use to build atmosphere and immersion in your game.
And as always, every time you unlock a stretch goal, we add a free vinyl sticker to every backer’s rewards. We asked you to help choose this one, and the vote was amazingly close! In fact, for most of the voting, the poll literally showed it as 50%-50%. Fortunately, we have access not just to the results you see on the poll—which are rounded to the nearest percent—but to the actual vote tally. With a margin of literally just one vote out of 805 votes cast, the winner is:

So what about the other design, featuring a statement form and a pithy observation? Clearly it was also very popular. With your help we hope to unlock many stretch goals before this campaign ends, so perhaps we’ll have a chance to see it again!

Rusty Quill Plays!
Our next goal comes from our friends at Rusty Quill (the publisher of The Magnus Archives podcast) themselves. They propose that if we can make it to 3750 backers, they’ll run an actual play session. Imagine listening in as members of the cast and the people who created and brought you The Magnus Archives play a chilling and macabre game together. We don’t have all the details on the timing and content of this proposed game—that’s up to Alex, Jonny, and the rest of the Rusty Quill team—but if we unlock this goal, we’ll share the details as soon as we have them.
And Another Sticker Choice
As always, if we unlock this goal we’ll add a bonus to every backer’s rewards: another vinyl sticker for your collection! Look at what we’ve achieved so far:

Once again, we’d love your opinion on what exactly this new sticker will be. This time we have a design we like, but we're torn on which variation to go with.

We’re launching a new poll in the campaign’s Comments tab. Hop on over there and vote for your favorite. The winner will be added to every backer’s rewards when we unlock this stretch goal.
Remember, You Make It Happen!
Crowdfunding campaigns soar—they only soar—when backers like you spread the word. Here are a couple of new graphics you can share on social media. (Right-click to download them.) Be sure to include this link to the campaign: mymcg.info/tangled

With your help, we can unlock this goal as quickly as the last one, and move on to even more!
Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG