
The Magnus Archives RPG: Tangled in the Web

Created by Monte Cook Games

New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🔓 Art Assets Unlocked! Let’s Play!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 02:02:14 PM

Hello, backers—

Once again, you’ve astonished us at how quickly and enthusiastically you’ve worked to bring new backers to this campaign and help us unlock stretch goals. We’re amazed at how fast you hit this one—in fact, the sticker poll wasn’t scheduled to end until tonight; we had to close it early so we could bring you this update!

Speaking of Sticker Polls…

The art assets package is now unlocked—we’re going to create a suite of digital images and assets you can share with your players and otherwise use to build atmosphere and immersion in your game.

And as always, every time you unlock a stretch goal, we add a free vinyl sticker to every backer’s rewards. We asked you to help choose this one, and the vote was amazingly close! In fact, for most of the voting, the poll literally showed it as 50%-50%. Fortunately, we have access not just to the results you see on the poll—which are rounded to the nearest percent—but to the actual vote tally. With a margin of literally just one vote out of 805 votes cast, the winner is:

So what about the other design, featuring a statement form and a pithy observation? Clearly it was also very popular. With your help we hope to unlock many stretch goals before this campaign ends, so perhaps we’ll have a chance to see it again!

Rusty Quill Plays!

Our next goal comes from our friends at Rusty Quill (the publisher of The Magnus Archives podcast) themselves. They propose that if we can make it to 3750 backers, they’ll run an actual play session. Imagine listening in as members of the cast and the people who created and brought you The Magnus Archives play a chilling and macabre game together. We don’t have all the details on the timing and content of this proposed game—that’s up to Alex, Jonny, and the rest of the Rusty Quill team—but if we unlock this goal, we’ll share the details as soon as we have them.

And Another Sticker Choice

As always, if we unlock this goal we’ll add a bonus to every backer’s rewards: another vinyl sticker for your collection! Look at what we’ve achieved so far:

Once again, we’d love your opinion on what exactly this new sticker will be. This time we have a design we like, but we're torn on which variation to go with.

We’re launching a new poll in the campaign’s Comments tab. Hop on over there and vote for your favorite. The winner will be added to every backer’s rewards when we unlock this stretch goal.

Remember, You Make It Happen!

Crowdfunding campaigns soar—they only soar—when backers like you spread the word. Here are a couple of new graphics you can share on social media. (Right-click to download them.) Be sure to include this link to the campaign:

With your help, we can unlock this goal as quickly as the last one, and move on to even more!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Magnus Institute Mapped! Let’s Bring You Some Art! (And Vote on Stickers!)
about 1 month ago – Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 01:50:38 PM

Hello, backers—

Thank you so much for an amazing launch week! With your effort to keep spreading the word, we’ve soared past funding and through half a dozen stretch goals already—and we still have the bulk of the campaign ahead of us to keep unlocking more!

Let’s Keep It Up!

This campaign is soaring, and that only ever happens when backers enthusiastically spread the word. You can find lots of sharable posts and links, as well as great art you can share in your own posts, on MCG’s various social media channels:

Let’s Get Visual!

Today you took us over the line and unlocked a poster map for Face Your Fears. This will feature the floorplan of Magnus Institute, and be designed by Jonathan Sims, the mind behind The Magnus Archives, himself.

If you already have The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game (or have just scrolled through this crowdfunding campaign page), you know the game has a lot of highly atmospheric art. That will be doubly true as Make Your Statement, Face Your Fears, and Do Not Open come into being.

This artwork fills the books with inspiration and fires your imagination for memorable, exciting horror adventures. But let’s face facts: 90% of the time, the GM is the one flipping through the books. Many players rarely look at the books for the games they’re playing—and even when they do, there are many sections that they shouldn’t peruse. GM’s-eyes-only type stuff.

So what do you do when you want to inspire your players, or show them a cool image that might be relevant to your campaign?

With this stretch goal we’ll take a bunch of the art from The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game corebook, Make Your Statement, Face Your Fears, and Do Not Open to create a big bundle of digital images you can easily show or share with your players. Whether showing them an interesting artefact they’ve stumbled upon, illustrating a key NPC, or simply giving them a bit of inspiration with a cool scene from the book, you’ll have dozens of images to share.

And that’s not all: We’ll take some of the best large scenes and deliver them as wallpapers in a variety of common resolutions for your computer or device.

We’ll unlock this suite of image files when we get to 3550 backers.

Help Us Choose a Sticker!

Every time you unlock a stretch goal, we also give each backer a bonus: a free vinyl sticker! So far we’ve unlocked six goals, so every backer gets six stickers.

We need your help on this next one. Here are two designs we’re considering. Which would you prefer?

We’re launching a poll in the campaign’s Comments tab. Hop on over there and vote for your favorite. The winner will be added to every backer’s rewards when we unlock this stretch goal.

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Statements Unlocked! Let’s Step into the Magnus Institute!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 08:45:32 AM

Hello, backers—

Once again, your enthusiastic help spreading the word about this campaign has paid off. Make Your Statement, the adventure book with ten new adventures (some written by Jonathan Sims, the mind behind The Magnus Archives, himself) is now getting handouts for its statements. These will be added to the book as a link to a downloadable PDF—and all backers receiving Make Your Statement in print will also get a special, campaign-exclusive pack of physical statements!

(And everyone gets another vinyl sticker—this one featuring a Magnus Institute cassette tape—as a bonus for unlocking this goal!)

Let’s Explore the Archives

As we just mentioned, Jonathan is contributing adventures to Make Your Statement. That’s not all, though: he’s also contributing to Face Your Fears with, among other things, a detailed writeup of the Magnus Institute itself. The book will include a map of the institute.

We’d like to really do that map justice. Through this stretch goal, we’ll add a poster map to Face Your Fears based on the map of The Magnus Institute. Explore the building, use it as a game aid, or hang it on the wall and admire its architectural—splendor? Mystery? Oddity? We won’t know for sure until Jonathan shares his map with us!

We’ll unlock this poster map of the Magnus Institute when we get to 3350 backers.

Plus a Bonus Sticker!

As we do with all our goals, we’ll add another vinyl sticker to every backer’s rewards as a bonus for unlocking this stretch goal.

Keep Spreading the Word!

It’s been an exciting launch week so far, and that’s thanks to one thing: All the buzz you’ve created by sharing this campaign and spreading the word. As of this writing, we're already almost 20% of the way to this stretch goal. Keep it up!

Right-click to grab this image and share it along with the link

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Dust Jackets Upgraded! Now Let’s Make Statements!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 09:29:34 AM

Hello, backers—

In the early hours today you took us over the line and unlocked yet another stretch goal! We’re now upgrading the Leitner Dust Jacket Set to include a sixth title, and double-siding them to give you even more flexibility when fitting them to your books.

And as a bonus, your colletion of The Magnus Archives stickers grows to include the lovely and inviting Mr. Spider!

Our next goal really makes a statement (a bunch of them, actually!), but before we get to that:

You Are Making This Happen!

This has been an amazing campaign so far—and we’re just starting into day 3! This success, and all of these stretch goals, comes down to the great job you’re doing to spread the word. The buzz created by your enthusiasm is what makes a campaign like this soar. We can’t do it without that—without you. Please keep it up!

Statement Begins…

Every investigation in The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game begins with a statement. Make Your Statement contains ten such investigations—some written by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims himself—and, of course, ten such statements.
We’d like to upgrade that book with ten such props. Ten statements you can hand your players (rather than just reading out of the book). These will take two forms:

  • We’ll create the statements as handouts in PDF, and include a link in Make Your Statement. So the GM can download and print them out.
  • As a backer exclusive, we’ll include a set of all ten statements in print with your copy of Make Your Statement, giving you a slightly more immersive experience when you introduce them at your game table. These printed statement handouts won’t be available to future purchasers of Make Your Statement—they're just for backers of this campaign.

We’ll unlock these statements when we get to 3100 backers.

Speaking of Statements…

Throughout this campaign, as we unlock each stretch goal, we also give you a bonus: every backer gets a new vinyl sticker! So far your collection is up to four—with this goal we’ll include a fifth!

This design seems pretty fitting for a statement-related stretch goal!

Remember, YOU Unlock These Goals!

Keep the buzz going, and the stretch goals coming! Here are links to some of our social media—click through to find loads of posts, images, and videos about this campaign that you can easily share to help spread the word.

And if you’re a member of The Magnus Archives community on reddit, or any other forum where fans interact, be sure to give us a shout-out there, too!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Do Not Open Upgraded!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 06:50:24 PM

Hello, backers—

Thanks to your great job spreading the word and building buzz for this campaign, we’ve already unlocked another stretch goal! Do Not Open now gets bigger, with more descriptors and foci, more supernatural options, and more ways to make your character and campaign deeper and more memorable.

Now let’s talk about Leitners.

If you’re already a big fan of The Magnus Archives, you know how important this esoteric collection of powerful books is—how they relate to many of the horrific events in the podcast and, probably, in your games. The disparate books that populated the Leitner collection are so interesting that we made one—A Guest for Mr. Spider—when we published the corebook for The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game. And we’re making DIG, a second Leitner, for this campaign.

But Leitners are encountered more frequently than that, and we want to help you build a bigger Leitner collection. So we’re also making a set of dust jackets for five additional Leitner books. Slip them on a book you already own (or an atmospheric old book you pick up at a used bookstore), and you have an instant immersive prop. These dust jackets will be printed on high-quality paper in common book sizes, and cleverly designed so each can be easily customized if it isn’t a perfect fit to the book you want to put it on.
The Leitner Dust Jacket Set is available as an add-on, and is included in the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) pledge level.

Let’s make it better. With this stretch goal we’ll add a sixth title—An Introduction to Higher Anatomy—to the set.

And that’s not all: each of these dust jackets will now be double-sided. The reverse side will feature a smaller version of the design. You can trim it down to the smaller size if you’d like to fit the dust jacket to a book that's significantly smaller than the primary size.

We’ll unlock this upgrade when we reach 2850 backers.

And, of course, we’ll also include a bonus vinyl sticker. In celebration of this Leitner-themed goal, it features Mr. Spider himself!

(If you’ve just joined this campaign: every time we unlock a stretch goal, every backer gets a new vinyl sticker. Every backer! This will be the fourth.)

You Make It Happen!

Remember, campaigns like this one soar when—and only when—their backers bring them to life. Share, share, share, and we’ll hit upgrade the Leitner Dust Jacket Set and add the Mr. Spider sticker to your collection.

Right-click to grab this image and share it along with the link

Thanks for your support!

—Team MCG