
The Magnus Archives RPG: Tangled in the Web

Created by Monte Cook Games

New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🔓 Art Book Unlocked! Let’s Talk XP.
17 days ago – Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 09:45:33 AM

Hello, backers—

We’re headed into the final week of this amazing campaign, and we begin it with another stretch goal unlocked! The Art of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game, a digital art book, will be added to the rewards of every backer. (If you missed the last update, check it out for a look at what we have in mind for this cool new reward.)

And, of course, every time we unlock a stretch goal, we also give you a new sticker as a bonus! You chose the glow-in-the-dark eye design, so this will now be added to every backer’s rewards as well.

Let’s Make Some XP Cards

In the Cypher System (the game engine that powers The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game), characters earn experience points (XP) through discovery and protecting our world from encroaching horrors—and when the GM throws in a twist via a GM intrusion. XP is a sort of currency that can be used not just to advance your character, but also to power player influence over the story—to enable rerolls, for example, or trigger a player intrusion. Because XP often changes hands, it’s useful to have a set of tokens to represent XP points—and cards are particularly handy.

We’re already making an XP Deck for The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game. It’s in production right now, and should be shipping to our warehouses soon—you can get it as part of the Fabulous Bundle of Great Game Aids add-on. This deck features great art from the game on each card.

But is it fearful enough?

Javier, our graphic designer who (among many other awesome things) designed the Leitner Bookplates (also available as an add-on), suggested a set of XP cards specifically designed around the Fears and using elements of the bookplates. We think it’s a great idea, and we want to make them!

This will be a mini-deck of fourteen XP cards, each themed to a specific Fear from The Magnus Archives. It’ll be fully compatible with the regular XP Deck; you can just mix the cards in. You can even use these cards on their own, without the regular XP Deck (though, with just fourteen cards, you’ll probably run short at times).

Whereas the normal XP Deck will be widely available, this will be a limited-edition item made just for backers of this campaign. We’ll include it in the rewards of all backers at the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) pledge level.

(And we’ll make it available as an add-on, too—though if you’re interested in things like this, you should really consider upgrading to the EVERYTHING level. It includes all the stretch goals and is a fantastic deal!)

We’ll unlock this limited-edition set of XP cards when we get to 4850 backers.

Don’t Forget the Sticker!

As we do with every stretch goal, if we unlock this we’ll also give every backer a free bonus sticker!

Early in the campaign you voted for a Breekon & Hope van sticker (see the laptop above), choosing it by just one vote out of more than 800! That means you chose not to make this statement sticker—but again, it was really close.
It’s a shame not to make this design, which we—and so many backers—really loved. So we’ll unlock it as your bonus with this stretch goal.

Keep Spreading the Word

The buzz you’ve been generating for this campaign has really made it soar. If you keep it up through the final week we can unlock this goal and probably several more!

Here are several sharable posts—click through to share them from your accounts and help reach the thousands of gamers and The Magnus Archives fans who haven't yet discovered this campaign:

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

The Art in The Magnus Archives RPG Is Incredible!
18 days ago – Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 11:21:40 AM

Hello, backers—

It seems like we start every update by thanking you for creating such a strong buzz for this campaign. That buzz makes crowdfunding campaigns soar—in fact, it’s the only thing that makes them soar. Every really successful campaign gets there because its backers go wild spreading the word. And you’ve been doing it!

So would it surprise you to hear that we’re already 80% of the way to the next stretch goal? We need just 50 or so backers to unlock the digital art book.

So we thought we might share a little of that art with you. Here’s some of what you can expect to see:

And, of course, we’ll just load the art book with scores of fantastic illustrations from The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game and the supplements you’ve funded through this campaign!

Let’s Unlock This Quickly!

We’re headed into the final week of this campaign. Help keep up the pace! You can finds lots of sharable posts and art in our social media communities. Click through and share a post or three, and help us reach new backers to unlock The Art of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game and even more stretch goals!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 The Archivist Will Read Statements!
20 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 01:11:02 PM

Hello, backers—

Thanks again for keeping up the amazing pace of this campaign! As a result of the way you've kept the buzz going, we’ve unlocked another stretch goal—and, of course, another free sticker for every backer.

The Voice of the Archivist Is Unlocked

Jonathan Sims—the voice of The Archivist (and mind behind The Magnus Archives)—will now read the statements from all ten adventures in Make Your Statement. You’ll be able to download the audio files and begin your adventures with atmosphere and immersion as your players listen to The Archivist read the statement. It’s a perfect accompaniment to statement handouts you unlocked through a stretch goal much earlier in the campaign!

We also unlocked the "Be Nice to Me" sticker. This design was chosen by you, our backers, through a recent poll—and now it’s a new reward for every backer, along with the nine stickers you’ve already unlocked.

Let’s Talk Art

Did you know that The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game is illustrated with something like 160 pieces of creepy, cool original artwork? The three books we’re funding will just about double that volume—this campaign features some of the new art for these titles.

You’ve already unlocked a stretch goal for a collection of digital images for your game. That one’s specifically intended to help you out in play, containing atmospheric scenes to show your players; images of creatures and items they might encounter; illustrations related specifically to the published adventures; maps; and perhaps some streaming graphics for online games. But that’s just scratching the surface when it comes to the great art for this game.

So we’d like to create a digital art book. It will include a lot more art. Pieces that are cropped in the books will be shown in their entirety. Maybe we’ll include some alternate versions of art that went through multiple revisions. Perhaps we’ll have some commentary from the designers, artists, and our amazing Art Director, Bear Weiter. If you’ve ever seen one of our previous art books, you know we do an amazing job.

When we reach 4500 backers we’ll add this art book, in PDF, to the rewards of every backer.

And a Sticker, Too!

And, as we do with every stretch goal, we’ll throw in a bonus sticker when we unlock this one. Which should we choose? NOTE: The green linework of the eye sticker will glow in the dark!
We’ve opened a new poll in the comments. Vote for your favorite!

Keep Spreading the Word

Your great effort at generating buzz for this campaign has really made it soar. We only have a week or so left, so let’s keep it up! Here are some sharable graphics supporting this campaign—right-click to download them. Share them (with a link to so we can reach more gamers and fans of The Magnus Archives who haven’t even heard about this campaign yet!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Dice Unlocked! Let’s Hear from The Archivist!
27 days ago – Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 12:11:31 PM

Hello, backers—

Thank you so much for unlocking this stretch goal so quickly. It’s normal for crowdfunding campaigns to level off in their middle weeks, but you’ve really kept up a nice pace. Please keep spreading the word—there are many thousands of gamers and The Magnus Archives fans who haven’t even heard about this campaign. Reaching them is how we reach new stretch goals!

We’re Making Dice!

We are so excited about this goal, and really appreciate your help in reaching it! Every backer at the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) pledge level is now getting DICE! These will be high-quality resin dice with a lustrous green interior, custom faces, and markings for special Cypher System results.

Not backing at the EVERYTHING level? You can now also get the dice set as an add-on. (But really, consider upgrading your pledge level. It’s a great deal for everything it includes—and it’s only getting better!)

The Archivist Reads

Let’s hear from the Archivist!

Make Your Statement
will contain ten adventures—and thus ten statements. We’ve already added props of the statement documents through a previous stretch goal. Now let’s give them voice: let’s have Jonathan Sims, the voice of The Archivist on the podcast (as well as the mind behind The Magnus Archives), read the statements to your players!

We already offer this for the two adventures included in The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game corebook (there’s a link on page 355 and 367 to download the audio files). This goal unlocks similar downloadable audio files for all ten adventures in Make Your Statement. When you get the book, simply follow the link you’ll find within to download your audio—and have The Archivist himself read each adventure’s statement to your players!

We’ll unlock these audio files when we reach 4250 backers—so please: Keep spreading the word!

And, of Course, a New Sticker!

Every time we unlock a stretch goal, we also unlock a new sticker as a free bonus—and every backer gets these stickers! Once again, we’re calling on you to help us make a choice. Here are two designs we’re considering: Which one should we unlock next?
We’ve opened a poll in the comments for your votes. Let us know which one you prefer, and it’ll be added to every backer’s rewards as a bonus for unlocking this new stretch goal.

Keep Spreading the Word!

This campaign has been unlocking so many stretch goals because you are reaching new backers. Please keep sharing this campaign, and we’ll unlock the Archivist’s statements, and add the new sticker to your collection, and move on to even more stretch goals!

Here are some things you can do right now to help reach new backers:

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

🔓 Actual Play Unlocked! Time to Roll Some Bones!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 03:13:49 PM

Hello, backers—

What a great week we’ve been having! This middle section of a crowdfunding campaign is traditionally a bit more sedate that the opening week, but thanks to you continuing to spread the word, we continue to unlock stretch goals. As of today, the actual play by the gang at Rusty Quill (the producers of The Magnus Archives podcast) is unlocked!

And of course every time we unlock a stretch goal, we also add another vinyl sticker to your collection. We asked you to help us pick between three variants on a Confession design. Here’s the winner:

Every backer gets this sticker, along with the seven other designs we’ve unlocked so far—with hopefully more to come!

Let’s Roll Some Dice—and Unlock a HUGE Reward!

The Cypher System—the game engine that power The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game—uses a d20, a d6, and percentile dice. We made a special deluxe set of dice for the crowdfunding campaign that funded the creation of the game, but it was a limited-edition design just for those backers. But we know that there are always new players joining us through this campaign as well as those who could always use another set of great gaming dice.

(Just to be clear: you don’t actually need special dice—any d20, d6 and d% will do. But the Cypher System gives you special results on certain rolls, so dice that are marked accordingly are very nice to have. And what dice goblin doesn’t like having cool dice that really fit the mood and look of the game you’re playing?)

So we’d like to make this set of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game dice, which will be more widely available for all of the game’s fans. (This is a mockup; the final design might differ in small details.) These won’t be quite as high-end as the dice we made for the original campaign—though they won’t be nearly as expensive, either. And they won’t be limited-edition, so we can make them available to every player of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game.

They’ll be high-quality resin dice with a beautiful interior design, custom faces, and markings for special results.

Every backer at the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) will get these dice as part of their rewards. They’ll also be available as an add-on. (Though to be honest, if you’re interested in the extras we’re making for this campaign, you should really back at the EVERYTHING level—it’s a great deal and it’s only getting better!)

We’ll unlock these dice when we reach 4000 backers.

And, of Course, There’s a Sticker!

It’s been a lot of fun hearing from you about the sticker choices, so let’s do it again. Here are two options we’ve been considering:

We’ve opened a new poll in the campaign’s Comments tab. Please vote for your favorite. The winner will be added to every backer’s rewards when we unlock this stretch goal.

And Please Keep Spreading the Word

This campaign has really been on a roll, and we’re so thrilled to be unlocking so many stretch goals so quickly. That only happens when backers help spread the word. You can finds lots of sharable posts and art in our social media communities. Click through and share a post or three, and help us reach new backers to unlock these dice and even more stretch goals!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG